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Helena, MT, August 26, 1987

“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” At the time I wrote this, I sincerely thought and desired that I would give God anything and everything. I haven’t changed on that except that the Lord has given me more since then and the more I have, the less possible it seems that I can give all. 

I now have a son and am much more appreciative of what it cost God to give His Son. We have these sincere intentions as did Peter, but to act on them can be terribly difficult and even impossible. Only by God’s grace can we give Him everything and it is not without pain to surrender what is valuable to us.

But though He is a jealous God, He’s faithful, patiently and mercifully enabling us to do His will.



I’d give anything; 

I’d give anything I own,

And I mean anything.

I’d only ask that what I give would be re-ceived by Him.

That He’d be pleased to have received all that I give to Him…


Interlude, Instrumental, then humming


My heart goes out to Him; 

My soul desires that all my first fruits

Do re-turn to Him,

That there is nothing held from Him that He would love to have.

What sheer delight is it to give to Him

The best of what I have, the very best,

The very best…

Instrumental interlude and vocal humming


Yes, I’d give everything; so much do I love Him

That I’d give every-thing to Him.

He’s given me all things and even all my love for Him;

I only hope that by His grace I’d give Him everything,

Everything, yes, everything.

Let me not for-get to give You everything…

Not just the first and best but everything.

Everything, yes, everything…


Je donnerais n’importe quoi
Paroles et musique de Victor N. Hafichuk


Je donnerais n’importe quoi ;
Je donnerais n’importe quoi que je possède,
Et je veux dire n’importe quoi.
Tout ce que je demande est que ce que je donne soit reçu par Lui.
Qu’Il serait content d’avoir reçu tout ce que je Lui donne…

Intermède, Instrumental, puis Fredonnement.


Mon cœur va vers Lui ;
Mon âme désire que tous mes premiers fruits
Retournent à Lui,
Qu’il n’y ait rien de ce qu’Il aimerait avoir qui soit gardé de Lui
Quel pur plaisir est-ce de Lui donner
Le meilleur de ce que j’ai, le meilleur du meilleur,
Le meilleur du meilleur …

Intermède instrumental et fredonnement vocal.


Oui, je donnerais tout ; je L’aime tant
Que je Lui donnerais tout.
Il m’a donné toutes choses et même mon amour pour Lui ;
J’espère seulement que par Sa grâce je Lui donnerais tout,

Tout, oui, tout.
Ne me laisse pas oublier de tout Te donner…
Pas seulement les premiers et les meilleurs [fruits], mais tout.

Intermède instrumental et fredonnement vocal.

Oui, tout ; oui, tout…